Chats with Thomas

Chats With Thomas: Creating sonic vistas with L...
Expansive yet intimate,Where the Crawfish Sings elucidates those attributes which define label owner and producer LeVirya (Leon) and musician/producer Broey. (Joey). By combining the LeVirya’s rhythmic and textural nuances with Broey.’s...
Chats With Thomas: Creating sonic vistas with L...
Expansive yet intimate,Where the Crawfish Sings elucidates those attributes which define label owner and producer LeVirya (Leon) and musician/producer Broey. (Joey). By combining the LeVirya’s rhythmic and textural nuances with Broey.’s...

Chats with Thomas: Elleodin’s unconventional mi...
Elleodin is a producer, vocalist, instrumentalist, and visual artist who hails from the UK. Between travel and making visual art, Lara Mason makes composes innovative, genre-bending downtempo music. Elleodin’s style...
Chats with Thomas: Elleodin’s unconventional mi...
Elleodin is a producer, vocalist, instrumentalist, and visual artist who hails from the UK. Between travel and making visual art, Lara Mason makes composes innovative, genre-bending downtempo music. Elleodin’s style...

Chats with Thomas: The rise of Fdluxx
A native of England, Iran-born producer Fdluxx explores a plethora of styles with his illuminating flavour of lo-fi hip hop. He is both driven and inspired by a multifaceted world,...
Chats with Thomas: The rise of Fdluxx
A native of England, Iran-born producer Fdluxx explores a plethora of styles with his illuminating flavour of lo-fi hip hop. He is both driven and inspired by a multifaceted world,...

Chats with Thomas: rocomoco & The Hidden
Immediately identifiable by its charming piquancy, the sound of this international trio ventures into new stylistic territory. With the beat-driven and uplifting creative voices of Rocomoco and the expressive, cinematic...
Chats with Thomas: rocomoco & The Hidden
Immediately identifiable by its charming piquancy, the sound of this international trio ventures into new stylistic territory. With the beat-driven and uplifting creative voices of Rocomoco and the expressive, cinematic...